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What Is Your Coaching Style?
Here’s How to Be a Transformational Leadership Coach
Which of these best describes your level of experience as a paid coach?
Under 100 hours
100 - 500 hours
500 - 1000 hours
1000+ hours
Which of the following best describes your use of the silent pause in sessions?
I tried it, but I’m not very good at it
I sometimes provide 2-5 seconds of silence after the client answers the question
I regularly provide 2-5 seconds of silence after the client answers the question
I always provide 2-5 or more seconds of silence after the client answers the question
If you had to pick, which of the following best describes how comfortable you are with taking risks with your clients (with permission)? Examples include asking tough questions, trusting your gut to go deeper, and calling out energy shifts.
Not at all comfortable. I don’t want to upset my clients
I am not too comfortable asking about what I sense. What if I’m wrong?
When my intuition is strong enough, I will ask a challenging question
I am comfortable saying what no one else will say in order to uncover an unknown fear
Which of the following describes your confidence level when using various tools, techniques, and assessments in your coaching sessions?
I am starting to learn how and when to use certain tools, techniques, and assessments
I have a couple of tools, techniques, and assessments that I use sometimes
I am fairly confident using a few tools, techniques, and assessments
I am very confident using various tools, techniques, and assessments
Which statement best describes your time management in client sessions:
I often feel we run out of time to unpack issues
Our sessions go right up to the end and then we feel rushed to wrap up
We typically can wrap up with goals by the end of our sessions
We are able to transform even hairy situations quickly, in under an hour
Which of the following best describes how you relate a client’s challenges to their values?
I have heard of the idea but am not sure how to do it
On occasion, I can help the client connect back with their values
I can often help the client connect back with their values
I almost always help the client connect back with their values
Which of the following is most true for you:
I help my clients tackle the one main issue that is bothering them
While there may be several issues my client wants to work on, I will zone in on whichever area of their life is giving them the most friction
I am sometimes able to help my clients see the bigger picture by circling back to all of their issues and regrouping
My clients know (because I remind them) that how they do one thing is how they do everything, so we work on their approach to life and how it relates to their specific challenge
Which statement best matches how you feel about getting to underlying issues?
I often look for the quick “win” and don’t go into the underlying issues
I don’t always feel comfortable asking to go deeper
I am fairly confident in my ability to go deeper
I seek to find the “thing behind the thing”
Which statement best describes your ability to stay 'in the now' during sessions?
I have a hard time being in the present moment and often ask about the past or future
I can sometimes bring us back to present-moment awareness but more often am curious about the past or future
I am comfortable bringing the client back to being present so they can stay focused
We both stay present throughout the entire session as a result of using skillful reframing
Pick the statement that best describes your coaching style:
I focus on getting my clients “unstuck”
I teach my clients to learn and grow as we continue our coaching journey
I awaken my clients with visions of their highest potential
I consistently help my clients achieve their visions and reach their fullest potential
Which statement best describes your clients:
My clients seem to struggle with the same issues over and over again
My clients are often able to see the lesson but are not able to execute consistently
My clients are fairly confident in knowing what and how to execute based on their learnings
My clients have transformed and can rely on their learnings for sustainable results
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